

Who Should Take a PSA Test for Prostate Cancer?

What if detecting prostate cancer was as easy as a blood draw? A PSA test can help you find this scary form of cancer early on while it?s still treatable. Keep reading to find out when you should get a PSA test for prostate cancer. Prostate cancer is a common form of cancer that we...

The Real Facts About Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction may be uncomfortable to discuss. But it’s essential to do so, as many myths surround this common issue and there are solutions. Whether you cannot achieve an erection or cannot maintain one, read on to get the straight facts on ED. Suffering from erectile dysfunction (ED)...

Why Are Kidney Stones So Painful?

  Some people describe kidney stones pain as being more painful than childbirth. Kidney stones are small and hard stones that form when minerals in your urine crystallize in the kidneys. They can then become a pebble-like mass. These stones can cause pain when they migrate from your kidneys via...

Is Incontinence Normal in Women?

There are millions of people across the globe suffering from incontinence as we speak. Although it is a common problem for women, few adults will talk to their doctors about this condition. It is possible for them to be embarrassed or believe that they are not being treated properly. Without the...

How Smoking Contributes to Erectile Dysfunction

It is important to understand that there is a direct link between smoking and erectile disorder (ED). Numerous studies have shown a link between smoking and erectile disorder. This is mainly due to the adverse effects that smoking can have on your heart health. So let’s look at how smoking...

Impact of Incontinence on Your Life

Incontinence affects approximately 200 million people in the world, including 25 million Americans every year. This is the most common problem among seniors, but few older adults are willing to talk to their doctors about it. They may be embarrassed or think that this is just part of aging and they...

Can an Adult Get Circumcised?

Adult circumcision refers to a reconstructive procedure where excess skin is removed from the shaft. American men circumcise most of their male partners. Baby boys are often circumcised. Many people are shocked to find out that adults can request this procedure. We actually get a lot of inquiries...

Are Bladder Stones Painful?

Bladder stones are formed when minerals in urine (pee), crystalize in the bladder and clump together. These stones are more likely to form when urine remains in the bladder after you urinate, or when you hold your urine for long periods of time without going to the bathroom. Stones can lead to...

Caring for Someone with Incontinence

The emotional burden you may feel when trying to take care of someone in this condition seems to get heavier when incontinence comes into play… Caring for a loved one can be difficult when they have certain physical, emotional, and medical needs that they can’t take care of on their own...