Nearly 70% of men experience erectile dysfunction by the time they turn 70. Erectile dysfunction may be common, but it can still have a severe impact on your quality of life. However, Comprehensive Urology wants to let you know you are not alone. Our specialists have years of experience helping men overcome this condition.
With proven erectile dysfunction treatment methods, you can take back control over your life.
Kiarash Michel, MD, and our expert urology team understand how frustrating and embarrassing erectile dysfunction (ED) can feel. Visit our best-in-class facility in Beverly Hills, Los Angeles. Book an appointment online today.
It is essential to understand that there is a direct link between smoking and erectile disorder (ED). Numerous studies have shown a link between smoking and erectile disorder. This is mainly due to the adverse effects that smoking can have on your heart health.
So, let’s look at how smoking contributes to erectile dysfunction.
Long-term research has revealed that heavy smokers have a higher chance of developing ED than those who don’t smoke at all. Fortunately, quitting smoking can help reduce ED symptoms overall. The severity of your ED, your age, and any other health issues could affect the likelihood that healthy erectile function will return.
Below, your trusted urologist in Los Angeles will talk about how smoking contributes to erectile dysfunction and what steps you can take to reduce your habit and enjoy a healthy sex life.
Regular smoking of cigarettes, cigars, or pipe tobacco can cause damage to your blood vessels and reduce arterial blood flow. The main culprit is nicotine, which is one of the worst chemicals that make up a cigarette. Nicotine is a well-known vasoconstrictor or a chemical that decreases blood flow in the body.
This can have a profound impact on your sexual performance as it affects your ability to get erect or even feel aroused in certain parts of your body.
Your brain sends signals to the penis nerves when you feel sexually stimulated. This causes blood to flow to the Corpus Cavernosum, which is the spongy tissue in the penis that forms an erection. Reduced blood flow due to smoking or other unhealthy lifestyles can make it more challenging to achieve an adequate erection.
This could result in a weak or no response to sexual arousal or a weaker erection. Research shows that smoking exposure is directly related to the severity of erectile problems in people who smoke.
When they smoke, some people have more problems than just erectile dysfunction. While that’s bad enough, there are additional health factors to consider when it comes to your smoking habit as well. Depending on your age, your gender, and your overall health, you might be dealing with some other issues related to sex and fertility.
These are just a few of the many adverse effects that smoking and tobacco smoke can have on your health:
While further research is necessary, some studies suggest a link between nicotine intake and lower sex drive among men. This is because smoking can lower the production of testosterone and increase the production of carbon monoxide in the body. This isn’t just unhealthy; it’s a vast turn-off most of the time!
The American Society for Reproductive Medicine warns that both men and women can have their fertility negatively affected by using tobacco. The organization states that male and female smokers have approximately twice the infertility rate as non-smokers. Additionally, the fetus can be significantly affected by smoking, leading to possible developmental disorders or stunted growth.
You can get a solution sooner if you address ED early. While the symptoms are annoying to deal with, you will have an easier time getting your sex life back on track by making an appointment as soon as possible. You can make an appointment to see a urologist or men’s health specialist if you don’t have a primary doctor.
While this is a fairly common condition that can be reversed, it is clear that being a heavy smoker can significantly increase its symptoms. Learn more about this correlation and schedule treatment with us today!
Erectile dysfunction (ED), also commonly called male impotence, is a type of male sexual dysfunction that causes an inability to achieve or maintain an erection. Such a condition can obviously cause frustration and a drop in overall quality of life.
Many men experience ED during times of stress or after consuming too much alcohol. However, recurring ED can be a sign of an underlying problem. Without treatment, erectile dysfunction can start to negatively impact your life. Commonly it can diminish your self-esteem and make it challenging to sustain fulfilling sexual relationships.
Our goal is to help you overcome this condition and restore your life to normal.
Click the image to learn how to join the STUD Protocol at Comprehensive Urology in Los Angeles.
The STUD Protocol not only addresses erectile dysfunction but also increases male endowment. Developed by Dr. Kia Michel, The STUD Protocol combines PRP (platelet-rich plasma) penile injections with Shockwave Therapy for ED as a critical treatment for enhancing erectile function and promoting penile growth in just three months. By focusing on these minimally invasive PRP injections, the STUD Protocol offers men a significant opportunity to improve their sexual health and performance without resorting to surgical options.
Sexual arousal is complicated. As such, a variety of physical, mental, and emotional factors can contribute to erectile dysfunction. A significant factor in erectile dysfunction treatment is identifying what factors are at play. For many men, it can be more than one. These factors include:
While age isn’t the only reason men develop ED, it is a major contributing factor. As you age, erections can be difficult to achieve and maintain. However, it is far from impossible.
During an ED evaluation, a urologist typically takes a medical history and performs the following tests:
We offer a full range of on-site hormonal testing to determine if you have low levels of testosterone. In addition, we have state-of-the-art imaging services to detect poor blood flow in your penis.
Erectile dysfunction is not always a permanent condition. Many cases of erectile dysfunction can be treated by addressing underlying health conditions or other contributing factors. With the right treatment approach, many men are able to improve their erectile function and regain a fulfilling sex life.
There are many treatment options available, including medication, penile injections, vacuum pumps, and non-invasive therapies such as Pulsewave Therapy. If you’re experiencing erectile dysfunction, talk to your healthcare provider to explore the treatment options that may be available to you.
Dr. Michel and the team at Comprehensive Urology use a multimodality treatment system. The approach aims to minimize the symptoms of erectile dysfunction and can often treat the underlying conditions creating erectile dysfunction. Each ed treatment will vary, focusing on your unique needs and health.
You may benefit from a single treatment. Or, you may find a combination works best. In every case, we help you find the treatment that will provide optimal results.
A comprehensive course of erectile dysfunction treatment is always customized to the patient. This often can include testosterone balancing combined with low-intensity shockwave therapy and medication. Vascular surgery options and implants are also available depending on the indivudalized needs of the patient.
Whenever possible, restoring the patients natural ability to heal itself without dependency on external chemicals or devices is the preferred form of comprehensive treatment.
Medications can help you achieve and maintain a firm erection. When used correctly, they often can help you continue to have fulfilling sexual experiences.
Common solutions include:
Shockwave Therapy uses low-intensity sound waves to naturally enhance blood flow to your penis. This allows you to achieve and maintain a firmer erection. 80% of men respond to this treatment and a typical course of treatment last 15-20 minutes and requires 5-6 sessions over a period of a few months. People return once or twice a year to maintain the benefits for years to come. Intracorporeal injections
Intracorporeal injections, also known as penile injections or penile self-injection therapy, are an effective ED treatment option that involves injecting medication directly into the penis. The medication used in these injections is typically a vasodilator, which means it helps to relax and widen the blood vessels in the penis, allowing for improved blood flow and erection. These injections can be combined with Shockwave therapy to maximize blood flood to the penis, which is a vascular organ.
The injection is typically given using a very small needle. It typically takes effect within 5-20 minutes, and can last for up to an hour or more depending on dosage. Dr. Michel and the team use customized formulations for every patient. Intracorporeal injections are typically used in patients who have not responded to other treatments, such as oral medications or vacuum erection devices.
The injection therapy can be used as needed, before sexual activity. Vacuum devices
A vacuum constriction device (VCD) uses a pump to help you get and maintain an erection. While it does not treat underlying causes, it delivers functional results. Vacuum devices are typically recommended for patients with mild to moderate ED, although they may also be used in combination with other treatments for more severe cases.
To use a vacuum device, a man typically places a plastic cylinder over the penis and uses a hand pump or battery-powered pump to create a vacuum inside the cylinder. The vacuum draws blood into the penis, causing it to become erect. Once an erection is achieved, a constriction band is placed around the base of the penis to help maintain the erection during sexual activity.
An inflatable penis prosthesis is a surgically implanted device that is used to treat severe cases of ED that do not respond to other treatments. The prosthesis consists of two inflatable cylinders that are surgically implanted into the penis, along with a pump that is placed in the scrotum, and a reservoir that is placed in the abdomen.
To use the prosthesis, a man pumps fluid from the reservoir into the cylinders using the pump, which inflates the cylinders and causes the penis to become erect. The erection can be maintained for as long as desired, and the device can be deflated when sexual activity is completed.
There are several potential risk factors which may contribute to ED. Some of these include:
Age: As men age, the risk of developing ED increases. It is estimated that 40% of men aged 40 experience ED, and this percentage increases with age.
Medical conditions: Certain medical conditions can increase the risk of ED, including diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, obesity, and prostate cancer.
Lifestyle factors: Lifestyle factors—such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug abuse, and lack of exercise—can contribute to ED.
Medications: Certain medications, such as antidepressants, blood pressure medications, and antihistamines, can cause ED.
Psychological factors: Psychological factors, such as stress, anxiety, depression, and relationship problems can contribute to ED.
Hormonal imbalances: Low levels of testosterone or high levels of prolactin can contribute to ED.
Neurological disorders: Neurological disorders, such as multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, and spinal cord injuries, can increase the risk of ED.
Of course, not all men who have these risk factors will develop ED. And that ED can also occur in men without any known risk factors. However, by identifying and addressing these risk factors, men may be able to reduce their risk of developing ED.
We look at every aspect of your situation to build your erectile dysfunction treatment plan. Our experienced experts have helped countless men overcome ED already, and they look forward to helping you too. At every step, we carefully consider every unique factor that causes your ED.
What works for one patient with ED might not help another, so we take everything into account when finding the right option for you.
You can start to take control back today when you schedule your appointment. During your initial consultation, we will begin working on a plan for diagnosis and treatment. Every step of the way, we provide you with complete information.
Learn more about erectile dysfunction treatment near me today.
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