Adult circumcision refers to a reconstructive procedure where excess skin is removed from the shaft. American men circumcise most of their male partners. Baby boys are often circumcised. Many people are shocked to find out that adults can request this procedure. We actually get a lot of inquiries about this at the office of your local urologist in Los Angeles! Can an adult get circumcised, though?

Can an Adult Get Circumcised?

Most circumcisions occur in the hospital within a few days of birth. It is best to perform it as soon as you can. It can be riskier to delay the procedure. The Jewish faith performs circumcision at 8 days of age. Others cultures perform circumcision later. We see most often men in their 20s or 30s moving out on their own or becoming sexually active. Recovery is easy after minimally invasive surgery. To fully understand the procedure, and to know what to expect in recovery, men considering circumcision should consult their urologist.

How Do Adult Circumcisions Work?

Two parallel incisions around the penis are made during a circumcision. One is upstream of the skin to be removed, and one is downstream. We then remove excess skin from our penis and sew them back together. We see most often men in their 20s or 30s moving out on their own or becoming sexually active. Recovery is easy after minimally invasive surgery. To fully understand the procedure, and to know what to expect in recovery, men considering circumcision should consult their urologist.

What Can I Expect During Recovery?

Patients can urinate immediately after surgery. There are usually some restrictions during recovery. Patients must avoid sexual activity for approximately four weeks while their incisions and stitches heal. Patients should also avoid heavy exercise during the first two weeks. This will prevent them from sweating and straining the incisions. Patients usually receive basic pain medication and antibiotics after surgery. However, they typically only require them for a week. They can usually return to work the next day and resume their daily activities.

Medical Reasons Why Adults Can Get Circumcisions

Sometimes, circumcision can prove helpful as a treatment option for men with certain medical maladies. Circumcision may prove the best option if you suffer from one of the following conditions:
Tight Foreskin (Phimosis)
Phimosis refers to an area where the foreskin is too tight over the penis (glans). Sometimes, this can cause pain when your penis is erect. In rare cases, it may also make it difficult to pass urine.
Recurrent Balanitis
Balanitis occurs when the penis head and foreskin become inflamed.
Paraphimosis occurs when the foreskin cannot return to its original position following being pulled back. This causes the head of your penis to become swollen, painful, and incontinent. To avoid serious complications such as reduced blood flow to the penis, immediate treatment is essential.
Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans
This condition can cause phimosis. In some cases, it can also affect the penis head, which may become inflamed and scarred.
Penis cancer
Penis cancer is an extremely rare form of cancer. It occurs when a reddish, wart-like, or ulcer appears at the penis’ end or under the skin.

Find the Healthiest Solution for You Today

If you are an adult who has never had a circumcision and you are considering one for either medical or aesthetic reasons (or both), you have come to the right place. You can schedule a personal consultation with our urologist who can help you understand what a circumcision in Los Angeles entails. Depending on your needs and your medical history, this can be a healthy choice for you and your body moving forward. Reach out to us today to learn more!